Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Peter the pope

Peter was made pope and the cow jumped over the moon!

I wonder if he wore one of those silly hats, sold eternal life and opened a Swiss bank account?

Matthew 16 and all that Peter the pope nonsense explained.

Look at how this chapter opens!

Verse 1; The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

Straightway we have the religionists and legalists tempting Our Lord.

Verse 2 Our Lord begins to rebuke them; by verse 4 He has confronted them with their worldliness and lack of Spiritual understanding. They can tell what the weather will be like, like any person can and yet were ignorant of the times they were living in i.e. the time of Our Lord and Saviour - their Saviour, as prophesied in the Scriptures which they were supposed to an authority on.

Verse 5; The disciples have forgotten to bring bread

Verse 6; Jesus warns His disciples about the leaven (Sinful teaching/doctrine of legalism) of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Religionists).

Verse 7; The disciples in their slowness to learn think he is referring to the bread they have forgotten to bring.

Verse 8; Jesus is very quick to make use of knowing their thoughts and rebukes them for slowness in learning and behaving just like the Pharisees, worrying about the trivia of this life; majoring in the minors. He also turns this into a lesson in faith and faith now becomes the theme and thrust of this chapter.

Verses 9 & 10; Have you forgotten my miracles already The Lord says?

Verse 11 & 12 The Lord explains again and they finally understand.

I hope you all understand too, for this is crucial in understanding that religionists (Pharisees and Sadducees) are still with us in this world today and as I move into the next part of this chapter we will see.

Verse 13; The chapter now moves on to Caesarea Philippi and the theme of Faith is resumed as Jesus questions His disciples asking them “whom do people think I, the Son of man, am. Jesus is asking them to see if anyone out there, apart from those present, has faith as it would take faith to verbalise that Jesus is Lord.

Verse 14; They tell Our Lord that some say He is John the Baptist, some Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.

Verse 15; Then comes the big one! But whom say ye that I am? Jesus is testing their belief and faith.

Verse 16; Peter answers with a Spiritual nuke! His reply to this question is as significant as the creation of Adam and Eve. We must never underestimate this moment in mankind’s history. This is the first human being that has received a communication from the Father verse 17. Jesus also tells Peter how blessed he is to be the recipient of this first Fatherly communication.

Verse 18; Jesus then says (in the original Greek) And I also to thee say that thou art Peter and on this the rock I will build of me the church.

Now notice that megga word ‘this’ then ‘the rock’. Have you noticed Our Lord doesn’t say ‘you?’ Our Lord does not say “now Peter on you, I am going to build my church.” So what is this rock that Jesus is talking about? Easy, it was his statement of faith and belief in Him given to Peter by The Father, that is the ‘this’ this scripture is referring to. Now to support this notice how the Greek explains that the Church will be built of Jesus; “I will build the church of me” not of Peter.

Verse 19; And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven:

Now what are these keys of the Kingdom of Heaven/God that according to the Roman Catholic organisation were given to Peter and Peter alone? The keys are a repentant attitude, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gift of Grace through belief and continued belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ, these are the keys to the Kingdom of God, which Peter and all believers would receive after Our Lord’s death and Resurrection. This is not a special gift to Peter alone. All those who would teach in the future would have this gift; the ability, with God’s power, to bring people to Jesus. Those people the Father was calling, which brings us to the next part of this verse.

Now here is another bad translation: This part of the verse has the opposite meaning to what is written in the KJV. In the Greek it is written as: and whatever you bind on the earth shall be, having been bound in the heavens.

So whatever Peter binds on earth will have already been bound in Heaven. He, like all of us Born Again will be harvesting the unsaved, binding in the Spirit, but only those whom the Father has ear marked. Peter is definitely not being given any special authority. Jesus is in authority and he needs no man here on earth to be in authority.

The same thing applies to the next part of that verse: In the Greek: and whatever you loose on the earth shall be, having been loosed in the heavens.

These were direct instructions from Jesus to not just Peter but all the disciples. Loosening here means freeing from the Law, and this is the lesson Peter had to learn regarding the dietary laws later on. He was rebuked by Paul. Now if he was head of the church how come he had to take a ticking off from Paul, who didn’t mince his words either? If Peter was head of the Church, there is no way he would have taken such a severe rebuke from someone of a lower order.

Now one final point; Roman Catholics in order to defend their deceptions and nonsense about Peter being the first Pope will site the fact that Peter is now known a Cephas for the first time. Cephas = a stone or a pebble, but Cephas is Aramaic for Peter and Peter was known as Peter or Cephas right at the beginning; see Matt 4:18; when he began to follow Jesus he was already known as Peter or Cephas. There is therefore no significance in Jesus mentioning his name in Matt 16 other than to emphasise that he was the first man to identify his Saviour. It is utter nonsense to suggest that Peter was specially chosen above his peers, especially when it was John whom The Lord loved more; John 21:7.

Here is another question. At what point did the Church begin to amass vast sums of money and its leaders wear all their fancy refinery when the original disciples went out without a penny and Our Lord had nowhere to lay his head?

Finally, if you are or were the least bit unsure of whom The Rock is (for there can only be one Rock) read it here from 1 Cor 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ: The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Simplicity that is in Christ

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Your understanding of the Catholic Church is laughable. This is exposed by your continual reference to them being from the "Babylonian Mystery Religions." It's time fore you to investigate some real church history before you make such pronouncements.
Ah, an anonymous poster who believes in men and not in The Lord Jesus Christ.

Perhaps you would like to prove your point instead of making meaningless remarks, but then Rome is full of meaninglessness, so your comments are in keeping - aren't they!?

Mr, Mrs or Miss Anonymous, you will make no headway on this blog, for outer darkness awaits you, not me.

"Outer Darkness" - now you are quoting the Mormons--sounds like your knowledge of the bible is really credible--
The Truth doesn't need credibilty only belief and faith.

I don't quote men only Jesus Christ from His Word, but then being a Roman Catholic you won't know much about that, if anything.

No English speaking nation would be able to read Scripture if those latin speaking, latin writing illegitimates had had their way, they even murdered the original English translators. They hid The Word of God for hundreds, nay thousands of years in their illegitimate language of The Devil.

I'll tell you another thing, I'm not a Mormon, but it will be better for them, when Jesus Christ returns, than for you people.

Now go and repent and ask The Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness for all your blasphemous religious ways.

You wouldn't even have New Testament scripture if the Holy Spirit hadn't moved through the Catholic Church to preserve and defend it so don't even begin to think that I don't know anything. The Catholic Church knows more about preaching the Gospel than you will ever know because you are unwilling to let the Spirit guide you into truth. You can preach your ignorance-insult driven gospel till your blue in the face, but I doubt Christ would recognize it as the one He preached.
Roman Catholicism is full of syllogisms, which means you make it up as you go and that means it's all lies and in turn that means you know nothing, you are a blind guide and modern day Pharisee. The Holy Spirit does not reside there with any of you nor does The Truth. You no nothing of The Holy Spirit for you are bloody murderers and have been from the beginning. The blood of The Saints is on your hands and sons of The Devil you are, to a man.

Rome is the main part of The Whore of Babylon and when Jesus Christ returns you will swept away like chaff in the wind.

The True Church is The Church of God. Your organisation started by Simon Magus the sorcerer does not even have God in its title and that is because it is not of God but of The Devil.

Now go and repent before it is too late for you.
Further to my previous post, The Gospel was first written by Mark, who was a true follower of Jesus Christ and one of Paul's assistants, not a papist counterfeiter and illegitimate.

You illegitamates hid the Gospel in latin from the people of Britain and you murdered the early translators - go on deny it! You people lie about everything else and live in some fairy land of denial.

As I said, you will make no headway here on my blog for I will expose you for what you are at every turn. A blaspheming religionist. Repent!

I'm not trying to make headway because there is noone coming to this site. It is just a museum of your opinions that are riddled with inaccuracies and arrogance. Whether or not someone has accepted Christ as Savior is irrelevant to you. Fealty to you is your supreme goal.
If Christ were your Saviour you would not need religion, for all religion is of The Devil.

By their fruits you shall know them and no fruits have ever come out of Roman Catholicism, only the love of filthy lucre, paganism, lies, blasphemies and murdering violence. I would go on but my blog is not big enough.

I boast and believe in Christ, not a blaspheming imposter in a stupid hat. Now that is laughable.

There is plenty of time for people, even you, to come to this site and when the tribulation starts I will be inundated, for that will be the time when The World will see Rome for what it is - a filthy whore and a counterfeit.

Furthermore, The Truth is not an opinion, The Truth is Jesus Christ, but being a son of The Devil what would you know about The Truth - nothing!?

It's time to repent or go away for I will eventually have to delete your lies and meaningless religious ramblings. There is just no point you being here other than to make trouble.

I am not making trouble. I was simply suggesting that you might want to investigate some better sources of church history before you blindly pass judgement on every Catholic. The only requirement for salvation is acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior. That is the Gospel preached throughout the pages of the New Testament. Any other requirement is untrue and adding to the Gospel. Scores of Catholics have accepted this truth, including myself. Therefore, I am assured of my salvation in Christ. "Neither death, nor life, nor powers", NOR YOUR WORDS will ever take this away from me. If you cannot accept this, fine, all I can say is that you will experience a very uncomfortable reunion with me in heaven when we are all gathered at the Lamb's feast.

If you feel the need to delete my posts because they "threaten you" with their lies, then perhaps you are not as confident as you claim. Anyone that afraid of simple conversation displays a great deal of insecurity.

Nevertheless, you are in my prayers and it is my hope that one day you will lay down all of this rage at Christ's feet.
Mr Mrs or Ms Anonymous,

Jesus Christ through Paul commanded that there be no debating and also that we be likeminded.

Now, I am no more likely to be likeminded with an unrepentant Roman Catholic than I am to leap over the moon.

I know church history better than you, but this discussion is about what and who the church is, not when it started. I know, as do all True Believers know, your counterfeit organisation started in the first century just as The True Church started. Paul continually warned the Brethren about your organisation.

Coming to calculated conclusions is not judging it's just stating the obvious, nor am I taking anything away from you that doesn't need taking away i.e. your demonic religion.

Here is your warning from scripture: "For many (multitudes) will come to Him and say Lord we did this and that in your name and all manner of wonderful works and He will say "Go away from me for I never knew you""

Now these people are not the unsaved, they're Christians or false Christians and they are multitudinous in number not a minority like me. There is only one organisation on earth that can boast a multitude of followers and that organisation is Rome.

There you have it, so your only hope is to repent of your religion or you will hear those words when you stand before Him.

Repentance comes before Salvation and you have not repented. If you do not repent and confess your religion as sinful your belief is in vain.

Here again, when you talk of reunions in Heaven this is just non-Biblical papist clap trap. No one is going to Heaven. Jesus Christ and The Father are coming down out of heaven with a new heaven and a new earth, after Jesus Christ has ruled this earth for a thousand years. If you're going to heaven for a reunion, you will be waiting on your own for a long time.

You cannot threaten me that's impossible, I am one of God's elect. The only way I can be threatened is if God allows it to happen. No one laid a hand on Jesus Christ until it was His time, no one.

I will delete your posts if I think they're too negative. They are negative anyway because they are of the Devil, so maybe I should. I will ask The Lord and wait as they might be useful for teaching other deluded souls like yourself.
It would "burst the bubble" of all catholics if they knew that THE ROCK that Moses struck is the same ROCK that Jeremiah took to the British Isles. This ROCK was first given to Scotland, then went to Ireland, then ended up with England. The Church of England had the first seat in the first Council of Nicea, NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.

UPON THIS ROCK, JESUS WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH. This is the same ROCK that Jacob said that from Joseph will be the ROCK, the Shepherd of Israel, who is Christ (Genesis 49:24). England and the U.S. are the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. And from these God has set before them an open door no man can shut (Rev. 3:8), which is the going forth of the Gospel message of Grace. This is spoken to the Church of Philadelphia. America's first capital city was Philadelphia. It started out with 13 colonies and later added 37 states. Philadelphia is Revelation 3 verses 7 through 13 (37/13). And in the late 1700's when the America was officially formed, great revivals broke out in America and Britain starting the age of the Philadelphian Church.


If you wish to post here:

1)Please make sure you know what you are talking about and

2)Refrain from using block capitals, because block capitals mean you are shouting and shouting is not acceptable nor is it necessary. Furthermore it will not alter the fact that your post is mostly error.

The rock that Jeremiah took to Ireland was Jacob's pillow, the stone he laid his head on when he had his famous dream.

Moses was a Levite and Levites have no connection with The Royal Line of Judah. For The Sceptre shall not pass from Judah.

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

The Church of England did not come into existence until The Tudors were on the throne of England in the sixteenth century. The nation of England did not exist until the Angles and Saxons (Isaac's sons) came to The British Isles in the sixth and seventh centuries after the Romans had long gone. The council of Nicea took place in the fourth century about three hundred years before England existed and thirteen hundred years before The Church of England existed. I would suggest therefore that your English history is dire.

There were no Christians at the council of Nicea only counterfeiters.

The Rock that was Jacob's Pillow was the same Rock that Moses struck. I never said that Moses was related to the line of Judah. But he did lead them out of captivity and give the tribes their bounderies in the promise land. The Rock traveled with the sons of Joseph, God didn't tell Moses to strike it. When God told Moses to strike THE Rock (i'm not yelling) what Rock did you think he was talking about. Sorry but the Rock never belonged to Judah. It belonged to the sons of Joseph and that is why it is in England. What do you think Israel (Jacob) meant when he told Joseph "from here is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel" (Genesis 49:24)? He was giving Joseph ownership of the Rock. Joseph received all of the blessing, all of the birthright and the Rock (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). The Rock was the crowning stone of both the kings of Judah and Israel. But the Stone/Rock remained in Israel not Judah. The Rock may have traveled with the daughters of the king of Judah, but it's destination was meant to be where the sons of Joseph would eventually end up (England and America)after captivity.

Peter refers to Jesus as a "living stone". Would a living stone be a stone with water flowing with Moses...the same way Jesus said "whoever beleives in Me, streams of living water will flow out of him".

Jacob's Pillow is THE Rock that Moses struck in the wilderness, which is a symbol of Christ(1 Corintians 10:4)...on which He will build his Church.

I agree with you Charles but you still love to argue. I'm sure you would agree that the true Gospel was mostly spread through Great Britain and the United States.

It's either us or Rome. Which Rock was Jesus talking about? Jesus said it so it must be true. He was talking aboout a literal Rock, but the Catholics didn't understand what he meant, just like they twist and confuse all scripture. See the point of the Rock being in England isnt just about the rulers from the line of Judah...its also a marker for from where Jesus would build His church, with the lost tribes, those who are His people who become "Not My People" and later called "sons of the living God" in the place where they are "Not My People" (Hosea 1 and 2:21-23). This becoming "My People" again is under the New Covenant, the Church.
That fourth sentence was a typo...meant to put:

"Just because...,that doesn't mean..."

I know you are a person that has a good heart and I believe that you are a True Believer, if not a little misguided and I am prepared to persevere with you. Others I would not, I give them a season and if there is no agreement then that's the end of it - fini - kaput!

The problem here, is all your error mingled with The Truth. Saying that the rock that Moses struck, was one and the same rock that was Jacobs Pillow, being a good example. The rock that Moses struck was a rock by the wayside in Horeb and Horeb is in The Sinai Dessert in the wilderness. When he struck it, not only did water flow from it, but it brake in pieces in order for the water to flow from it. No one, but no one ever broke Jacob's Pillow.

Now I do not deny the symbolism involved when Moses struck the Rock and yes Christ is that Rock. He was broken on the cross in order that we might have our sins forgiven and in His Resurrection new life, in which living waters would flow through us, as Born Again believers.

The rock may not have been Judah's but it is more strongly connected with Judah than Levi because all The Kings and Queens crowned on it were Judah's descendants. No Ephraimites or Manasseites were ever crowned on it. If The Lord Jesus returned today he would take the Throne of England/Britain, for that is the Throne that is rightfully His and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II knows it too.

The Stone of Scone - pronounced Skoon is now back in Scotland and it looks very much like our present Queen will be the last monarch to have been crowned over it, until Our Lord returns.

I agree it is either us or Rome and for a True Believer it certainly isn't Rome for Rome is The Whore of Babylon.

I agree with most of what you say for James' epistle is addressed the The Twelve Tribes scattered abroad. "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

The Apostles Peter, Andrew and James with a Mary came to Britain in circa 37 AD. There is also legend that Our Lord came here too with His uncle - Joseph of Aremathea, before His ministry began in Judea.

Yes, I know the Stone of Scone is now with Scotland. I also beleive that Jesus will return before there will be a new ruler over England. But I also believe this is why England is soon to be sucked into the E.U. At least they E.U. are trying to do this. What do you think?

I am glad you brought up the legend about Jesus going to England. I beleive this to be true. Jesus went to England with his mother because Joseph (Mary's husband) had died so they went to live with family. As the legend goes, when Jesus was in England he built a church. This was the first church, not the catholic church. Being in adolecent years, Jesus also traveled with Joseph of Aremathea (Mary's Uncle)on the trade routes from England down to Southern Africa, across to South America and up to where Canada is today and back across to England. On this route Jesus tells the people about the One true God, claiming to be God in human flesh. This is why when Cortez comes in later on in history the natives fall down and worship him as a God. They think Cortez (being white) is the God Man who visited them many centuries earlier. History and archelogy records show that they found some Aztec civilzations to be mono-theistic.

Paul later goes to England, where some say that he died (not by Roman execution like many beleive). Paul would have gone to England and preached the Gospel to the lost sheep of Israel, concluding the work Jesus started as a boy. This is why there is St. Paul's Cathedral in England.

Jesus going to England is difficult to prove, unless your a Mason. This is the secret Masons use to black mail the Catholic Church: that the first church was built in England by way of Jesus' (and Paul's) visitation, and this church had the first seat in the early Church councils. Catholics say that it was all Catholics who put the Bible together. This is a lie. They had the second or third seat, not the first. This is the TRUE secret that is being used to black mail the Catholic Church, not the Davinci Code's Holy Grail nonsense. That's just the fake secret to cover up the true one. What was actually found were not documents of Jesus' blood line. Instead what was found were documents from the first church council, that prove the Catholic Church not to be the first Church.

Now back to your Rock comments....

I beleive your argument you offer is very weak, for two reasons:

1) You say that the Rock is just some ordinary rock that was picked up along the way. Well then why did God say to strike "the rock" as opposed to "a rock" or "this rock"?

2) You say the rock broke into pieces when the water came out? So did it brake the first time or the second time? Remember, God caused water to come out of it twice. If it broke the first time, then it wasn't there the second time. If it broke the second time, why didn't it brake the first time? When Moses struck the rock the second time he was punished. Why? Because Christ will not be struck twice by the wrath of God. Jesus' sacrifice was for once and for all. So what would be the symbolism of it braking the second time if Jesus is not going to be struck a second time? If it broke the first time then why does God say "the rock" again the second time? Are there two rocks that water came out of? If so then you must be saying there is someone else besides Jesus who is the Rock. If there were two rocks did they both brake? And if one did brake from the force of water it would have broken at first, not after enough water had come out for 1,000,000+ people. So if we say it didn't brake either time (since you cant prove this anyway) wouldn't they have kept a rock that provided enough water for around a million people, especially while traveling? No matter what your answer is I just dont see any logic to any answer other than that the rock Moses struck was the same rock as Jacob's pillow, which is the Shepherd/Stone of Israel given to Joseph. It wouldn't make sense for Jacob's pillow to be the Shepherd (Christ) and the rock Moses struck to be Christ. Again are there two different people called the Rock (this might work in favor of Catholics)?

That Rock, which is Christ, was with His people from the time of Isaac, to Eqypt with Joseph, through the desert (providing water), into the promised land with Joshua, and into the place where Israel would become a nation and a multitude of nations with Jeremiah. Jesus, the Rock, journeyed with them the entire time. Maybe the Rock is called the "Shepherd" not just because Jesus is the good Shepherd but also because that Rock was leading them. Like I said, the Rock went to England because it would be the destination of the sons of Joseph.

One last said the Rock is more connected to Judah than Levi. When did I say anything about Levi? Why do you think that Moses striking the Rock connects it with Levi? Moses was leader over all the tribes...someone had to strick it and that someone was Moses since he was incharge. This does not connect the Rock with the Levites in any way. It traveled with Ephraim and Manasseh when Moses struck it. Yes it is more connected to Judah than Levi, but it is more connected to Joseph and his sons than it is Judah.

Thank you enduring with me in this conversation and not blowing me off. I would like to continue this discussion, we can continue here or via email if you prefer. Before you reply though please read through this website. I think you will find it very interesting and informative about the Jacob's Pillow:
This argument is completely ridiculous, as well is the notion that Jesus "physically" built the first church. Jesus did not start ANY church in the Gospel accounts, He preached the "Kingdom of God" and continued to worship, as did the Apostles until they were thrown out, at the Synagogue. It is not until later did the Apostles "start" and "build" an entirely "new" church. This is not to say that Jesus was not worshipped as Savior right from the start, but they did not start new churches until much later.
I looked at the site and found this:

1.Jesus was "missing" during his teenage years

2. Who is Joseph of Arimathea?
There is more to this man than what people assume they have heard

3. Jesus was a carpenter

4. There was a small wooden shack erected in England...who built it?

It is a LEGEND...something to discuss and better than many of the Roman Catholic lies and deceptions about early church history.


Jesus Christ will not return until Britain and America (Israel) and The Jews (Judah) have gone into captivity a second time as prophesied by Jeremiah. The beginnings of this captivity are already underway.

In America your republic has all but been destroyed by corrupt demon-ocracy and your Skull & Bones presidents Clinton and Bush are traitors against the American people - 9/11 was a government sponsored CIA atrocity. Kerry is also a Bones man and this made your last election just another sham. As are our elections in Britain - all controlled by The Bilderbergers. Once your rights to carry firearms are removed, all your other freedoms will also be completely removed. You like us here in Britain are being invaded by illegal immigrants. These people are being allowed in deliberately and will turn on the indeginous population and aid any future tyrant that seeks to take over and rule as a dictator.

Here in Britain we have helped in our own pending doom with the building of a tunnel into France and Europe and with the systematic scrapping of our Navy. Our Merchant Navy was signed away by traitors with the stroke of a pen years ago. We now have no defence from anyone who would try to blockade us. Once starved into submission the people of Britain, what's left of them, will be hearded onto cattle trucks and through the tunnel into slavery in Europe and beyond. All these things must come to pass before the prophesies of Revelation start. It is out of this captivity, that a remmant of Israel will be saved by Jesus Christ when He returns.

Yes, Jesus Christ came to England but He didn't start a church anywhere. The Apostles planted Churches after Jesus' death and Resurrection. He would possibly have taught them about Salvation and the Kingdom of God, but would have done nothing different from that which He did in Judea, if at all.

Paul didn't come to England and he died in Rome, although a pope did allow his remains to come here many centuries later. Some say that he is buried in St Albans, Hertfordshire somewhere.
Pauls mission was to the gentiles not to Israel. Peter and Paul's paths never crossed, they had different jobs to do. Peter went to Persia and the land of the Medes - he went to northern Galatia where Paul didn't go because migrating Israelites were in Nothern Galatia, not gentiles. Peter, Andrew and James came to Britain and they started churches and even converted the Druids who were descendants of the Levites.

Re: The Rock, no I didn't say it was some rock picked up along the way. It was a very large rock by the wayside, possibly in a cliff face that Moses struck in order for water to flood from it and quench the thirst of hundreds of thousands of Israelites and their livestock. The leaders of whom were moaning to Moses about the lack of water. There is no way this rock was Jacob's Pillow. The second rock, like the first, was on wayside and Moses lost his temper this time and struck it in rage thereby losing his chance to enter the Promised Land. These were two different rocks at two different places. Moses and the Isrealites were on the move most of the time, unless the pillars of cloud and fire stayed put. Furthermore the second rock was close to the end of the Israelites sojurn in the wilderness whereas the first rock was nearer the beginning.

Exodus 17:6 Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.
Peter and Paul's paths did cross, they were both at the council of Jersusalem as described in Acts.
Mr, Mrs or Ms Anonymous,

I was speaking in terms of their journeys and the places The Lord sent them to do His work.

Peter was sent to the House of Israel, not Judah and Paul was sent to the Gentiles. Their paths therefore never crossed.

Thank you for your comment.


I already made my case as to why I beleive the rock Moses struck was Jacob's Pillow, so I wont proceed to drive the point, but I was just curious why you say there is no way this rock can be Jacob's Pillow? What would cause it not to be? In order to make these rocks disappear you say they broke, but where are you getting this info from? I have never heard this theory.

As far as our captivity goes, were you referring to Jeremiah 30?

I'm sorry, but you have not made your case. I suggest you re-read the Exodus account and gain a better understanding.

1) Jacob's Pillow is a very small stone compared to a large rock by the wayside in Horeb.

2) Jacob's Pillow - if it was with The Israelites in the Sinai Desert would have been revered as something special and there is no way Moses would have struck it. They would have been carrying it with them and the rock Moses struck was by the roadside.

3) Jacob had his dream whilst still living in Canaan. Where is your proof that Jacob actually carried that stone into Egypt.

4) The Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob often built stone altars to honour God, but these were all in Canaan not in the Sinai Desert nor were they in Egypt. As far as I know from Scripture the stone never left Canaan as that was the Promised Land. Egypt and the Sinai Desert were always temporary homes or places of transition for the Israelites. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land under Joshua all the altars and monuments would have still been intact, as Holy places were honoured by all races including The Canaanites who had lived there up until Joshua led the Israelites against them.

5) I am baffled as to why you don't understand. What is your knowledge of Middle Eastern geography as this seems to be your blind spot? The rock that Moses struck was in Horeb in the Sinai Desert. Do you know where that is?

6) I have not said the rock that Moses struck disappeared, where did you get that from? He struck a rock by the side of the road - it broke open and water gushed out, but it didn't disappear.

7) I have explained the story from Scripture, so I don't know how you can say you have never heard this story before. I'm baffled as to where you heard or gained your information, for it makes no sense to me.

Yes Jeremiah 30 is where he mentions Israel's and Judah's second captivity.

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